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HomeFinancial ManagementLooking To Save Money? Try These Tips!

Looking To Save Money? Try These Tips!

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In these hard financial times, even for those of us lucky enough to be gainfully employed keeping your finances straight can be such a challenge. With the cost of everything from milk and eggs to gas rising, saving is near impossible. This article will offer some advice on personal finance.

In order to keep track of your personal finances, use a smart phone based app or a calendar warning, on your computer or phone, to tell you when bills are due. You should set goals for how much you want to have spent by a particular date in the month. This works because it’s an easy reminder and you don’t even need to think about it, once you’ve set it up.

When it comes to filing income taxes, consider itemizing your deductions. To itemize it is more paperwork, upkeep and organization to keep, and fill out the paperwork needed for itemizing. Doing the paperwork needed for itemizing is all worth it if your standard deduction is lower than your itemized deduction.

When writing checks or using your debit card, always write down your purchase in your check ledger. You don’t have to do your subtracting at the very moment you make the purchase, but do make note of it. Calculate your expenses at least once a day. In this way, you will never be overdrawn.

Stay away from payday loans if at all possible. They charge ridiculous amounts of interest and can trap you into a revolving door of renewing them each time you can’t afford to pay it off. Look at all other options, including asking friends and family for help, before going for a payday loan.

Be cautious when loaning money to your children or grandchildren and consider offering the money as a gift instead. Before you loan any money to a family member, you should think about the consequences if the money is never repaid. Remember, loans between family members often cause a lot of arguments.

A good tip when it comes to personal finances, is to not buy impulsively. A good majority of all retail spending is on impulsive purchases. Rather, if you see something you want, analyze it on a scale of want to need and then give yourself a 24 hour cool down period before buying it. This should stop a lot of impulse buys.

Heating can be the largest household expense during the winter months. Some heating types are more expensive than others. If you live in an area where the winter is cold, don’t rent a place with electric heating. As electricity is the most expensive energy source, stay away from rentals with any kind of electric heating system.

Get yourself a credit card that pays rewards. If you pay your credit cards off each month, a rewards credit card is ideal for you. Run all of your monthly expenses, including groceries, gas and your daily Starbucks, through the card. Bankrate.com can help you find the card that pays the highest rewards for the types of spending that fits your lifestyle.

Realize that budget is not a four-letter word. It’s tough to plan for future expenses if you do not plan ahead, and that’s all a budget is — a little advance planning. Everyone needs a budget, regardless of their income level. Companies pulling in millions per year make budgets. Plan where you want your money to go, and then stick to your budget. You’ll thank yourself later.

If money is tight it might be time to stop driving altogether. The cost of car ownership is extreme. With a car payment, insurance, gas, and maintenance, you can easily spend five hundred a month on your transportation! A perfect alternative to this would be the city bus. A monthly pass usually costs around a dollar a day. That’s over four hundred seventy dollars of savings!

Buy breakfast cereal in the big plastic bags. They are usually located on the opposite side of the grocery isle from the boxed cereal. Compare the unit price and you’ll see that the bagged cereal is much cheaper than the boxed version. It tastes essentially the same and a quick comparison of the labels will show you the ingredients are practically identical.

Explain your financial situation to your friends. This way, you won’t feel badly when they invite you out and you can’t afford it. If you are not honest about why you cannot go, they might think you are mad at them! Maintain your friendships by being honest about your current finances.

Even though times are tough it is still feasible to get a handle on your finances. Whether it be by investing, scrimping and saving, or by sheer manpower, it is possible. This article offered some advice on how to handle your personal finances so that these tough financial times won’t be as tough.


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